Friday, January 13, 2023

airplane jive quotes

Airplane Jive Quotes - By virtually every account, Airplane! one of the funniest movies ever made, ranked number 10 on the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 funniest movies in American cinema.

Released in 1980 and starring Robert Hayes, Julie Haggerty, Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Airplane! was a seminal comedy of my childhood, always watchable and always quoted - "Sure, you can't be serious". "I'm serious and don't call me Shirley" was number 79 on AFI's list of the 100 greatest movie quotes of all time.

Airplane Jive Quotes

Airplane Jive Quotes

Last weekend the girlfriend and I were looking for something light and silly to watch, so we hit up Airplane! - neither of us had seen it in years. Not long into the movie we started looking at each other hesitantly with wide eyes of exaggerated suspicion. We had to pause the movie and talk:

Airplane!'s Creators Reveal The Origins Of 'don't Call Me Shirley'

On the plane are the two black men who "jive" and speak so much slang and broken English that subtitles are needed:

"Shiiiit, maaaan. That side muff "be mesin" mah old lady...gotta be cold on the head, you know? (Caption: "Golly, that white man gotta stay away from my wife or I'll beat him up.")

There's the bumbling character of Johnny, whose only role in the film is to poke fun around mission control by doing cheeky non-sequiturs.

There is a long line of passengers and crew waiting in line to shake and beat (and worse) a woman who needs to calm down and keep to herself.

A Movie A Day, Day 86: Airplane!

Now, as a heterosexual, white man, I realize that there are few groups that I have culturally sanctioned, politically correct permission to talk about - positively or negatively - about anything directly involving white guys.

That disclaimer aside, I have two main questions: Was the film made at a time when such racism, misogyny and stereotyping was more acceptable to a broad, mainstream audience? Or have we become too PC where jokes can still offend but better not offend when it comes to race, gender or sexuality? I had to ask myself: If Airplane! if it were done today, what would it look like and what would be left of it?

Take the two jive-talking men. What should be funny here and who or what are we laughing at? With a predominantly white cast, white filmmakers, and presumably a majority white audience, was the joke simply at the expense of black culture as a whole? Was the joke mostly about subtitles necessary to decipher the English language and jive being in the cultural lexicon but still exotic enough?

Airplane Jive Quotes

What would this joke look like if it was written in 2017? Is there a group that uses conversations in broken English that is culturally acceptable for laughs? How about lower class whites, aka hillbillies? Is there a subculture that is acceptable to exploit its exoticism? What if one of the men is a fetishist trying to talk through a gag?

Al White Discusses How Jive Talk Came About In 'airplane' At New Beverly Cinema

If I was just a baby when this movie came out, I don't know how it was viewed by the audience back then. My bet is that, for the majority watching, it wasn't considered racist or otherwise inappropriate about madness (rated PG, no less). And while certain jokes are undoubtedly racist in retrospect, I don't think the filmmakers are racist or were intentionally racist when they made the movie. But if all of this is true, at what point did the film—or at least parts of it—become unappealing to mainstream audiences, and what fueled its ineptitude?

I still don't have clear answers to these questions, although I think they probably lie somewhere in the middle. Yes. And at the same time, the things we are no longer allowed to laugh at (or with?) seem to grow.

Before you sanctify yourself, I ask one more question: Who or what is currently the culturally approved target of our jokes, that we show up in a movie 40 years from now and say, “Wow, that's offensive! "?

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Airplane Jive Quotes

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