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Showing posts with label Unlabelled. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

airplane joke

airplane joke

Airplane Joke - I am a wife and mother of 5 children. I am a Family Life Educator with a degree in Marriage and Family Studies. I have over 6 years of hands-on experience helping families connect and build lasting connections.

My goal is to help build lasting memories while spending intentional time with loved ones.

Airplane Joke

Airplane Joke

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Starts At 60 Daily Joke: Passengers Boarded The First Automated Airliner

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

aircraft loan

aircraft loan

Aircraft Loan - The best way for AOPA professionals to determine the right loan package for their members is to ask them the right questions, starting with "What's important to you?"

Most have the same answer: "The lowest possible salary." From the information, we know that they really mean "the lowest possible rate for their specific situation." Three questions will help us determine their specific situation:

Aircraft Loan

Aircraft Loan

The members' response will determine whether a floating fixed income structure or a hybrid structure is appropriate. Their financial difficulties compel us to introduce a more economical approach.

Aircraft Leasing And Financing: Tools For Success In International Aircraft Acquisition And Management

A loan with a full discount and fixed with a long term can be good for those who want to own an airplane for ten years or more. The problem is that the fixed interest rate at the beginning of the term is higher than the rates that will continue until the end. But the peace of mind, knowing that a record is recorded every month, is compatible with a long-term investment plan, which makes the extra cost. For example, for non-commercial use, there are lenders who will implement the loan at a fixed rate of 15 or 20 years for turboprops that are still in operation.

When it comes to ownership, many of our customers answer "about ten years." The data collected by AOPA shows that the average time of ownership is not higher. This is why a floating or adjustable rate loan (ARM) is possible.

Floating rate loans do not have a fixed interest rate, while an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) starts out fixed and then changes (to a new fixed or floating rate). After the first period, the ARM rate fluctuates based on benchmark rates such as the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB). The first period is 3 to 5 years. Another word for ARM is hybrid. In the current interest rate environment and the expected future, these funds can offer better protection compared to similar discount rates.

Balloons are another option; However, the amortization period is longer than the actual loan period. An example might be leasing a turboprop over five years with "balloons" and depreciation over 15 to 20 years. That package is best for members who a) are looking for the lowest rate and b) know that they will have the flight (and / or maintain the loan) for a little time than usual .

Lufthansa Hat Im Zweiten Halbjahr 2020 Durch Flugzeugfinanzierungen 500 Millionen Euro Aufgenommen

Balloons allow borrowers to defer the down payment until the end, thus lowering monthly payments. At the end of this period, the unpaid balance will be due. That small monthly note goes towards a big final payment.

Sometimes members come to us comfortable with the complexity of a floating rate or ARM, but their own complexity prevents them from using those options. For example, a businessman owns 30 different assets. Each asset has a different type of asset. They have partners in some of these assets and they are the majority or the owners of the majority or a variable percentage in the entire portfolio. Despite the good cash flow, there are lenders who do not make a deal without submitting guarantees to all companies that they have shares and personal guarantees from themselves. Although they are not contractually bound to do so, the cost of money and time is not worth it. The financial complexity associated with their business makes it possible to arrange loans based on simple properties.

Of course, economies can be made easier if consumers can increase their wages. The more you put in front of the donor, the more options you have. A loan on an old aircraft or one with a high-end engine is possible if the borrower can pay a high interest rate. While new aircraft can be accepted with 15% discount over 20 years old, the same can happen for old turboprop from "no deal" to "deal" with 30% or 40% down. Likewise, a current turboprop produced in large quantities can often see a 15-year lifespan. Without a down payment, old or small turboprops can cause the borrower to shorten the amortization period or refuse to lend.

Aircraft Loan

In-flight financing has its own special requirements that require a higher discount rate. It is due to the frequency of engine improvements and aircraft improvements, as well as new products that make these aircraft faster than other types. That's why by asking the right questions of our members AOPA can give them the best picture when it comes to securing the best financing package for their independent status.

Antigua Seeking Loan To Buy Two Of Liat's Aircraft

Big pay. Great condition. Helpful and responsive agents. There are three good reasons to turn to AOPA Aviation when you buy an airplane. If you need a reliable source of income with people on your side, just call 800.62.PLANE (75263) or click here to request a quote.

Adam Meredith, President of AOPA, is an aviation expert with over 15 years of credit, small business management and customer service experience. Adam is a professional pilot with multiple engines and analytical equipment. Budget airlines, business airlines are changing like any other international business. It is more reserved, more conservative and more secular. His biggest challenge is the expense that many aircraft buyers have without a good place for investment. Banks that find themselves in a similar situation tend to give more to people who don't need them, and in today's commercial airline market there are more people than ever before. . However, if you are looking for money, here are some strategies for finding the best job.

1. Find the right flight at the right price. Most airline finance companies, even companies that claim to be "real estate" are actually "credit shops". Their focus is on the ability of their customers to pay the maximum amount of money. But that doesn't mean they don't care about the plane. Banks want to trust that you won't overpay for it and that the value of their collateral won't collapse like the Titanic. Be sure to get expert advice on the cost of the flight you choose and remember that the older it is, the more expensive it is. Also, make sure it's right for your needs, so you won't be penalized for early repayment of the loan or out of rent because you bought too many or too few flights for the trip. .

2. Listen to the moment. Sometimes the airline money is arranged almost overnight. no more. If you need money, start as soon as possible. You can get a good idea of ​​financing rates and terms by simply talking to the lender in general about the airplane model year, model and estimated price at before signing the airline ticket.

Can Credit Unions Get Airplane Loans Off The Ground?

3. Decide who will buy the plane. It sounds simple, but it can be a complicated subject. If you are a first-time buyer, I recommend hiring an airline consultant to help with this early in the process. Factors that turn the customer off the plane include concerns about the FAA's liability and labor laws, often unreasonable taxes, such as "emergency rules", public company reporting requirements and the ability of business partners or others to use and help pay for flights. . Customer experience has a direct impact on choosing a financial institution. Commercial companies do not receive loans from private banks, but executives can.

4. Decide on a loan or lease. For most aircraft buyers, the availability of tax benefits limits this option. If you can use a tax credit, a loan may be the best option. If not, consider renting where you can benefit from tax deductions through lower interest rates. If you're not sure, ask for a quote for both. Note, however, that while all financial institutions offer airline financing, not many offer leasing.

5. Choose a loan based on credit or equity. If you want your lender to put weight on the value of the aircraft against your creditworthiness, then you have unlimited options, and if you want unsecured financing, you have a choice. The problem is that if you want the flexibility of financial planning, then you are better off with a bank that does not fully comply with federal and state banking laws and regulations. .

Aircraft Loan

6. Think about social media. The interest of aviation finance is different when doing what are called trade-related loans - one financing with someone who may not do business with the bank. On the other hand, if the bank is focusing or monopolizing the airline finance for customers, you should look elsewhere unless you are one of those customers. Your personal bank, for example, can offer the best financing terms for airline purchases, allowing you to use affiliate links. However, keep in mind that the plane is mortgaged at your personal bank.

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aircraft logbook

aircraft logbook

Aircraft Logbook - It's easy to forget the importance of checking logbooks before a flight. The harsh reality is that if you operate an aircraft that is not airworthy, you are in violation of federal regulations. Needless to say, this is bad for your certificate and your career. Take the following story as an example...

The aircraft purchased from the FBO I refer to is signed by the airframe and power plant (A&P) mechanic/repair station as an Airworth. This happened after extensive repairs and rebuilding of the plane after the landing accident. After repair/overhaul, the aircraft is declared airworthy in the aircraft's airframe logbook.

Aircraft Logbook

Aircraft Logbook

After the first flight, the airplane was found (by another pilot) to have the trim control system working in the opposite direction than would normally be expected on this airplane. Several differences were found regarding the labeled elevator and horizontal stabilizer hinges. These inconsistencies were corrected after being brought to the attention of the original A&P mechanic.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (ame) Personal Log Book

After this repair, I flew this airplane 30 times over 8 months, but believe it to be in airworthy condition based on airframe log entries, trim repairs, pitch hinges, and original horizontal squeaks. stabilizer and my own pre-flight check.

The aircraft was sent to another maintenance facility to undergo a 100-hour annual inspection in accordance with the recently issued Airworthiness Directive (AD). During this annual inspection, several discrepancies were found in the aircraft's logbook and previous airframe records. The maintenance facility subsequently determined that at least some of the repair/rebuild of the aircraft was improperly performed, improperly documented, and unairworthy. In addition, several advertisements were found to be inappropriate.

I unknowingly instructed and allowed students to fly this aircraft on their own when it was not airworthy. Unairworthy repairs cannot be seen or felt during a routine pre-flight inspection and can only be identified by having the aircraft disassembled by an experienced mechanic. At the time, I believed that the airplane had been properly repaired and that the airframe logbook entries reflected the airplane's airworthiness and AD compliance.

Obviously, this is a complex and very unique situation. Most, if not all of us, have a hard time identifying the problems with this aircraft.

Logging Takeoffs And Landings In A Jeppesen Pilot Logbook

Fortunately, in most cases, maintenance issues are not that difficult. This is usually a missed annual inspection or a missed 100 hour inspection. And a quick check of the plane's log book before the flight will tell you if there's a problem.

If it's an aircraft you've never flown, especially from an FBO you're unfamiliar with, be sure to check the aircraft's maintenance records. Be polite, but don't be embarrassed by asking for the logbook. You are responsible for determining that the aircraft is ready to fly, and checking the logbook is part of that.

If you find discrepancies, bring them to maintenance (in a good way) and don't fly the plane without correcting them.

Aircraft Logbook

If you have not already done so, refer to FAR Part 91, Subpart E for a reference to all required preflight checks and logbook completions.

Pilot Logbook Interior Template Design 9206374 Vector Art At Vecteezy

Swain is an editor, certified instructor pilot and Boeing 757/767 first officer for a major US carrier. He graduated from the University of North Dakota in 2018 with a degree in Aviation, holds a Cessna Citation (CE-525) Jet PIC rating, is a former Mokulele Airlines pilot and flew an Embraer 145 early in his aviation career. Swain writes weekly articles, quizzes and lists. You can contact Sven at @sven and follow his flying adventures on his YouTube channel. Digital pilot logbook compatible with EASA, FAA, CASA, TCA. A large database of airports and flights to keep your flights in order. Your data stays up-to-date on all your devices. Synchronization is not required.

AIMS is the only digital logbook with support for importing pilot logbook report files from the eCrew planning system.

You can import exported flights in different formats depending on the version of eCrew your company uses.

You can also set your signature on your profile and create exports to authorities without having to manually sign each page.

Wild Blue Pilot Logbook (excel File)

Tag your plane or aircraft and it will automatically create your custom category. Our app groups all your flights tagged with a single tag into separate categories.

You can track your pilot licenses and qualifications. Notifies you of an upcoming expiration date.

Plus, you get an up-to-date online resume to share your logbook with your current employer or impress a new one.

Aircraft Logbook

Access to a large database of flights. Enter your aircraft registration and specify the manufacturer, type and ICAO model.

Basic Pilot Logbook Package

Do you have problems Send us your export or backup file at support@ and we will help you.

Thanks to the integration with companies, you can easily make travel reservations and copy flight records to your pilot's logbook with one click of the mouse.

Additionally, you can view detailed visual reports of total flight hours, hours by aircraft type, engine type, aircraft registration or crew member.

A complete solution for VFR pilots with VFR charts. All the tools you need for everyday work in one program.

Professional Pilot Logbook W/ Wide Columns (black)

Press the record button on your mobile app and record your flight from takeoff to landing. On January 1, 1988, I was flying our Cessna 172XP—N14WF—an hour from our airfield home to Shady Acres on a local flight. My criticism? "Rolled people." No capital letters, no punctuation marks. After all these years, I wonder who I took along for the ride.

Who is Kelly? The lack of detail is striking. If flying is such a magical thing, and it is, why didn't I put it into words. Maybe being 18 at the time had something to do with it.

Yet there is a template for a detailed logbook. For me, it appeared on the second page of my journal, of all places.

Aircraft Logbook

My instructor, Scott Gardiner, was my "first solo!!!" used all lines of two pages for writing

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer's Training And Experience Logbook (no Work Order Column)

I can still read what he wrote after so many years. Not so with my other instructors. Space was plentiful. Who knew?

I played solo on my 16th birthday. My instructor, Scott Gardiner, didn't feel the need to limit his writing to two narrow lines. A hint I didn't take.

It's actually sad. I have many memories of the flight and some of them are recorded in my logbooks.

I let go of the foolishness of my youth a little and began to document these precious flights in more detail. I started using the last names of the people I travel with.

Pooleys Private Pilot Flying Log Book

I've added more detail to this log entry so I don't have to use up too much memory.

Ben Schler is the publisher of General Aviation News, a pilot, husband of Deb, and father of Savannah, Brianna, and Jack. Oh, and a staunch supporter of general aviation.

Join over 110,000 monthly readers and get the latest news and entertainment from the world of general aviation straight to your inbox. Register here.

Aircraft Logbook

Curious to see what fellow pilots think about the random stories on the General Aviation News website? Click on the latest comments page to find out. Read our comment policy here.

Pilot Logbook Professional Cover

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aircraft magneto service

aircraft magneto service

Aircraft Magneto Service - Unless you're lucky enough to race a turbine or engine with an electronic ignition system, the internal combustion engines you race behind or in between are likely to be powered by a simple system involving a magnet, coil , a capacitor and contact points. When the rotating element in the accessory box rotates the magneto drive shaft, the magnet rotates and transmits electrical energy to the coil. When the points close, an electrical shock is sent from the coil to the respective spark plug wire to the attached spark plug and, kaboom, the cylinder ignites. At least that's how it's supposed to work.

Meanwhile, a second magneto does the same, preferably at the same time, to a second spark plug in the same cylinder. Between two magnetos and two spark plugs working in synchronization, the engine will deliver power with slightly more efficiency than a conventional engine with only one spark plug per cylinder, other things being equal. There is also a so-called "double" magneto, which uses only one driveshaft but fits two ignition harnesses. The design can simplify installation and maintenance, but at the cost of some redundancy. And redundancy is always good.

Aircraft Magneto Service

Aircraft Magneto Service

The trusty magneto has been around for as long as internal combustion engines have existed, and the core technology hasn't changed much in a century or so. With magnetos, spark-ignition engines do not need an aircraft electrical system. Instead, they generate the electrical power needed for ignition, as long as they are within specifications and correctly synchronized (timed) internally and with the engine. They are usually painted black and are mounted in the accessory box at the top rear of the engine. They must be easy to identify; These are the fittings with the ignition harness wires that go to the spark plugs.

Scintilla Bendix S4rn, S4ln, S6rn, S6ln Magneto Service Instructions.

Magnetos are a relatively simple electromechanical system, but they are subject to wear and tear as well as the stress of creating and releasing thousands of volts every minute. The nice thing about having a pair of magnetos is that they can go bad and the engine will still run, just not as well. I know this because I had the experience of a magneto failure, which ended in a safe landing at my home airport.

An important part of the pre-takeoff checklist for aircraft equipped with a typical spark-ignited engine is the magneto check. The checklist and/or aircraft documentation will specify the maximum RPM drop allowed in a magneto and the maximum difference between the two. If the magazines pass the test, we fly. What if they don't pass or there is no RPM drop on one or both chargers?

An RPM drop above specification can be accompanied by a rough running engine. If so, one or more spark plugs may be fouled with lead or even motor oil, and "burning" the contamination may solve the problem. To do this, set the charger switch back to the offending charger and carefully tilt the mix. You should see the RPM increase slightly as you lean. When it reaches its maximum, stop leaning and let the engine run at this mixture setting for a few seconds. If the roughness goes away, congratulations, you've successfully blown out the clogged socket. Return the mix control to your preferred setting and run the full mag check again. If the roughness does not disappear, the test has failed and the aircraft is not airworthy. Contact a mechanic for evaluation and/or repair, which can be as simple as replacing a bad spark plug.

If there is no RPM drop on one or both magnetos, something is wrong. Either the magneto switch is faulty or the P wire of the magneto is not grounded properly. In either case, the aircraft is not airworthy and repairs are needed, which could be as simple as replacing the P-wire.

Bendix Scintilla Df18rn And Df18ln Magneto Service Instructions Bookle

Magneto testing is not limited to pre-takeoff checklists. It's definitely allowed to run them in flight, but not at full power, especially if you're worried about a charger or spark plug. Back on the ground and before stopping, checking the magazines at low revs is a good post-flight measure. —J.B.

The magnetos are mechanically driven by the motor, so there are bearings and couplings to worry about. In order for electrical energy to flow from the coil to the spark plug wire, two pieces of metal, the contact points, must come into contact as the shaft rotates to transmit electricity. More possibilities of use. The inability of the spark to cross the contact points may be due to a faulty capacitor, an open circuit, or a short circuit failure. Due to its age, the coil may not provide proper voltage. Worn contact points are another mode of failure, possibly due to arcing, which can result from the capacitor or coil being out of specification.

The beauty of a magnet is its simplicity. When one fails, it's not dramatic and won't result in catastrophic engine failure unless both magazines fire dice at the same time. If this happens, the engine will stop running or could run rough (one or more cylinders missing). Losing a magneto will not blow the engine or send a valve through the engine or blow a cylinder head. The engine just won't make as much power. If you're lucky, you might not even notice the failure until the next mag check.

Aircraft Magneto Service

That being said, the problem with a failed magneto will only have one system to ignite the spark. With a bad magnet, it will produce a little less power, but now you are 100% dependent on the magnet left in the system, the one that just showed you isn't always reliable.

Opinion: Savvy Maintenance

A logical person would consider the fact that there is a good chance that both magnets were placed on the plane at the same time. Chances are they even share a common history of being from the same manufacturer or rebuild shop, and were installed by the same mechanic. Their shared heritage makes it safe to complete the flight or return to base, and consider other off-airport landing options along the way.

Once a magneto fails in flight, it is your responsibility to maintain altitude to maximize potential glide distance. Also keep power setting changes to a minimum (engine misfires occur more frequently during large power changes). If your engine hums with the remaining charger, leave it alone. When making power changes for the approach and landing, make them smooth and slow.

When my left magneto recently failed, my mechanic at home had a spare on the shelf, reserved for a pilot who frequently flies to Alaska. On those long drives, a spare magneto provided reassurance that it wouldn't get stuck in the ground in a remote location waiting for the next delivery of parts to arrive. However, you may still need someone to install it.

When a magnet breaks down, should an emergency be declared? Most likely. If the other magnet goes off, you'll wish you had it. If you are in busy airspace, controllers will give you priority processing, and if there are many aircraft circling at the scheduled airport, they will give you your slot in the circling, as it should be. Anything that helps you beat the odds and land safely should be used to your advantage. That's why the E word was invented.

American Bosch Sb9ru3 Magneto Parts & Service Inst

Do you need to preemptively land off the field? I wouldn't, unless in addition to the failed magneto you also have a bad motor. With just a bad charger, the engine will likely still run strong, just not as efficiently. If it is very difficult for the remaining magazine, a preventive landing at the nearest airport makes a lot of sense. If all goes well, but in a magazine, personally, I would proceed cautiously to the destination airport, as long as it is not hours away.

I always check my magazines, but not always on the floor. When operating on strips of gravel and dirt, high RPM starting can cause unwanted damage to the aircraft, including the propeller and tail. Once in the air, you can check that both chargers are working. This should not be done on a hill or on full power, but on a reduced power setting that puts less stress on the engine.

There are exceptions. I've heard of a case where the charger failed due to gear failure in the accessory box. Checking the magazine is what presented the failure, which resulted in metal components inside the engine falling to the bottom where they would be chewed up. If the pilot had continued to fly after the failed mag check, the engine would likely have suffered catastrophic failure due to bouncing of internals in the accessory box. Fortunately, the failed magnetic check resulted in the immediate grounding of the aircraft and disaster was averted. In this case, the failed magnet check was not actually due to the failure of the magneto itself, but rather to the deeper internal components of the engine that were spinning the magnetos.

Aircraft Magneto Service

When the magnetos are placed in the "Off" position, the P leads of the primary coil of the magneto are grounded. A magneto with a P wire connected to ground will not work

Scintilla Magnetos Vmn7d, Vmn7df, Vmn7df 5 & Vmn7dfa Service Instructi

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airplane jump

airplane jump

Airplane Jump - Here's the straight dope: Jumping out of a plane feels really, really, really good. That's why skydiving is at the top of the world's list, dear reader, and hundreds of thousands of adventurers like you take to the skies every year! There's one thing, though: Jumping out of a plane is hard to wrap your head around, especially when most of your airplane experience — like everyone else's — mostly involves sitting in the bubble of a commercial pilot. How can we help imagining what it would be like to jump out of an airplane if that's the only basis for comparison? Good: we will try

It goes without saying that the only way to experience jumping out of a plane is to go skydiving, but here's the information you've been missing so you can conquer that dreaded fear.

Airplane Jump

Airplane Jump

Really, yo. Do you think diving is like falling? Amazing! There is no such thing as "what happened". This is the magic of fairy tales.

Jumping Out Of An Airplane Feeling

In fact, the depth of field creates a sense of collapse. Because you don't experience visual depth until the skydive is over—and the air immediately supports you (more on that later)—you never feel like you're falling. Instead, the world looks as flat as a map at the plane door. Without depth, your mind cannot be acrophobic. Cool, huh?

Do you remember the last time you rode a roller coaster? In particular, do you remember the feeling when you climbed to the top of the biggest mountain? When you felt the first car roll over, didn't you get a little queasy because you knew you were in for a big weightless drop?

It's sure to be an exciting moment of anticipation in the sky. Hope is the best part, here's what we think! However, once the door opens and you jump out, you'll experience a great sense of support under the air and a sense of stability that will surprise you. A cushion of air is waiting for you, helpless as you are, to ensure that you don't kick your skydive and try in vain to find a way to right yourself. It gives you strength. I'm happy and comfortable, even.

3. Jumping out of a plane is the best experience you will ever have!

Tandem Skydivers Jumping Out Of An Airplane On A Gorgeous Day

Leaning on an air cushion, you'll be up to airspeed within minutes. This means that air cell drag increases your speed to about 120 mph.

That being said, you won't feel like you're hitting 120 mph on the highway. If you don't have a reference number around, your brain can't calculate the exact speed. (Fun fact: The only way you'll know your actual speed is if you luck out and pass the cloud. If you do, you'll have an idea of ​​how fast you're going. WHEE! )

So: How does jumping out of a plane really feel? The best way to describe it is to use a word that comes out of every other sentence when you're in our beautiful area: Beautiful! What can we say? Book your Northern California tandem skydive today and experience it for yourself.

Airplane Jump

Every year we host tens of thousands of tandem jumpers, AFF students and experienced skydivers from all over the world. We are happy to host you this year.

Skydiving: The Summertime Thriller

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Bucknell Grad, 23, Dead After Mysterious Mid Air Fall/jump From Plane

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Airplane Jump

Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze key website performance metrics to help provide a better user experience for visitors.

Why Did This Grandpa Jump Out Of The Airplane?

Advertising cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant advertising and marketing campaigns. These cookies track website visitors and collect information to deliver personalized ads. Have you been toying with the idea of ​​jumping out of a plane but still need some convincing? You have come to the right place. We have not one, not two, but eight great reasons to jump out of a plane (at least once)!

Top on the list of reasons to add skydiving to your routine: sweet, sweet hope, baby!

As adults, we don't get to entertain hope. Take a second to think about that. When was the last night you were excited to do something, and we mean slow motion? Like the kind of depression we feel before the first day of school or the morning of a long-awaited field trip, such excitement means we can sleep undisturbed the night before. We're talking about this young straight, pure passion! Honestly, the fun part of your first skydive is the belly full of beautiful butterflies.

Even if you're a seasoned travel professional, the cross option is four-digit frequent flyer miles and can quote a secure boarding pass to a flying memory before your first flight. will never happen. , never forget.

Jump Skydiving. Tandem Jumping From The ...

Trust us, it's all fun and games until you realize you've never been on a plane with the door open! In fact, flying to the aforementioned rich heights of dizzying bliss will be an unforgettable plane ride (until you jump again, of course)!

Amusement parks are known for being well… fun. However, when you jump out of a plane, your departure will put every amusement park you've been to to shame! Take off and the next 60 seconds may be the most fun of your life. I realize this is a big claim, but I stand by it.

Freefall has an incredible ability to open one's eyes to a deeper level. The experience of free fall is both literal and metaphorical. Literally, when you jump out of a plane, you are given the opportunity to gain a whole new perspective - few have ever seen clouds up close and more than two miles in the air. For example, you can see how little trouble awaits you in the basement.

Airplane Jump

By offering a new way of perceiving the world, freedom brings something truly important.

Swiss Team Claims 1st Jump, Free Fall From Solar Plane

As surprising as it sounds, jumping out of a plane can be quite relaxing. Some people discover a sense of calm while freediving, but most people experience a level of calm when they drop the colorful curtain of their parachute.

Away from the noise of the subway cars, paragliding is incredibly peaceful. You can always request a zipline trip, but many find that the quiet ease of a simple hike gives them a better chance to reflect on the amazing experience they just had.

Even if you're familiar with skydiving safety statistics, after jumping out of a plane, you may be in danger when you fall through the air.

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aircraft magneto

aircraft magneto

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Technically speaking, magnets are one of the oldest components in a general aviation aircraft, a technology that is over 100 years old. The magneto is a self-contained, high-voltage generator that supplies electricity to the engine through spark plugs. magnet here

Aircraft Magneto

Aircraft Magneto

Spinning close to the wire. When the magnet rotates (or the magnetic rotor is turned on), it generates a strong magnetic force that is "recovered" by a primary coil. The moment the contact points open, the fast magnetic flux produces a high voltage in the second coil, which ignites the spark plug, thus starting the engine. The two magnets on the GA manifold - the left and the right - each fire one of the two spark plugs on each cylinder. There are two magnets so that if one of them fails the motor will continue to run, but it will be less efficient. Magnetic ignition systems are primarily used on lawn mowers, chainsaws, and vintage tractors; They have been the power source in light aircraft because they are self-contained and not connected to the battery or electrical systems in the aircraft, allowing the engine to continue running even during a battery or power outage. Historically, the FAA required in-flight lighting to be separate from the battery/lighting system, but newer and better electronic systems are gaining acceptance.

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Special Features Editor Julie Summers-Walker joined in 1998. She is a student on her own.

Idea: Maintenance Expert How the cups work: The spark plugs on many piston jet engines are still powered by 120-year-old technology.

Both the Federal Aviation Regulations and their predecessor, the Civil Aviation Regulations, required certified spark-ignition reciprocating aircraft engines—the kind most of us fly after—to have two ignition systems.

Section 33, Section C, states that “every combustion engine shall have two ignition systems with at least two spark plugs per cylinder and two separate electrical circuits with separate sources of electrical power or shall have an ignition system equivalent in aircraft reliability.”

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There's a good reason for this: electrical system malfunctions are common. Without a properly functioning ignition system, the engine could stall, planes could fall from the sky, and people could be injured. Spark plug failures happen a lot, but the consequences are usually not serious—and often unnoticed—usually because we have two spark plugs per cylinder, and one is enough to keep the cylinder producing power. Usually, the only sign of an aircraft spark plug failure is that the EGT on the affected cylinder rises 50 degrees Fahrenheit or so. You will never notice unless you have a monitor installed on the device and keep it in regular condition. These failures are most often caused by ore getting into the spark plugs, and these failures often resolve themselves. Even when they don't, spark plug faults are often not discovered until the next magneto check, when a failed plug causes excessive magnetic hysteresis.

Magneto failures happen often, but when they do, the consequences can be more serious - or not, depending on the failure. If the mag comes out cold—say, because the breaker fails, the hose opens, or the condenser shorts—the results are negligible: all cylinders continue to fire in single-fire mode, all EGTs rise in one unit, fly to their destination and receive the evil mag firmware. not important.

A failure involving magnetic timing can be critical, especially if the timing is ahead—that is, the spark plugs fire earlier than they should. A magnet that leaks 5 degrees early can send chitagong crosses straight through the roof, and one that leaks 10 degrees early can melt holes in the pistons and cause the cylinder heads to separate. progress.

Aircraft Magneto

The worst — and most common — type of mag failure occurs when the plastic dispensing device of the mag fails and begins to drop teeth. When this happens, the magneto can start firing the spark plugs at random times, and the whole thing explodes. The engine starts to run a rough transmission, and unless the pilot throttles way back quickly, the engine can start to stall.

Magneto Ignition Systems

I counted six magnetic distributor failures in two years in a fleet of about 300 GA piston aircraft, and that resulted in one failure per year for 100 aircraft. In my opinion, that's a good failure rate.

This is why the FAA requires that our engines have two magnets. Even if Mag goes berserk, we still have a healthy one to bring us home, right? Don't be sure.

I researched the failures of the 6 magnetic distributor gears thoroughly. They've happened to all types of pilots, from beginners to multi-thousand-hour CFIs, and occur at flight levels ranging from senior to flight level 210. Once a pilot has a means of selecting and closing. Stop magnetic misalignment! This was especially true of the failure on FL210, where an experienced pilot had approximately half an hour to solve the problem as he descended, off, into an emergency landing. In each of these six situations—long time or pilot, high altitude or high altitude—the pilot declared an emergency, pulled power back into service, and landed the aircraft at the nearest airport. Fortunately, all emergency landings are uneventful.

This small plastic magnetic pressure filter can cause a single point failure of the entire ignition system at high altitudes.

Magneto Synchronizer From Aircraft Tool Supply

If these pilots had been trained to deal with such a failure by identifying and shutting down a bad magnet, their engines would have been restarted quickly and their flights could have continued safely to their destination. , at the point where bad magnets can be repaired or repaired. Replace. But none of the pilots did. They all treated the situation as a catastrophic engine failure. Nobody is trying to fix or solve the problem, something simple can easily be done by magnetic closures one at a time until it is identified as bad and malfunctioning.

Bendix D2000 / D3000 dual magnets are used in many Lycoming motors. If the Lycoming engine model number ends in a "D" suffix—for example, O-360-A1F6D or TIO-540-F2BD—one of these PUPs is installed. It is two independent magnets packed in a box, with one drive shaft, pad mounted on the accessory tray. The idea is to reduce real estate and the complexity of the gear train at the rear of the machine. This is probably not Lycoming's best engineering idea. It amazes me how many aircraft owners and mechanics have had bad experiences with these dual magnetos, with some declaring they would never fly a single experimental aircraft equipped with dual magnetos.

The two original D2000s weren't terribly reliable, and many of them were long ago replaced by the much better D3000. Although the D3000 has just about everything—two decoupling points, coils, distributors, and distributor gears—it still doesn't offer the level of redundancy of traditional dual magnets.

Aircraft Magneto

One problem area was the bottom clips that attach the mag to the device. They have a history of falling out - either because they were not adjusted properly or because the magnetic mounting flange or motor mounting pad was worn out. When the clamps become loose, the two cups can rotate and the timing of both magnets (not just one) will fail. Another single point failure is the clutch coupling that moves the two cups from the gear train. Lycoming's two mag trigger was one of these, rather than two. Clutch failure can disable the entire ignition system.

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Although the dual magnet meets the letter of the FAA's dual source requirements, I can't help but wonder if it meets the spirit of the regulation. It does not provide the same level of repeatability as traditional double cups.

As if that wasn't bad enough, two of the mugs were only used on Lycomings but were made on Continentals. In 2010, Continental discontinued production and support of the double cups, leaving owners of "-D" Lycomings in a bit of a bind and relying on aftermarket parts sourcing to keep the double cups alive.

Even with a couple of custom cups, a common mode failure can still destroy the entire ignition system. One such failure occurred with a customer of mine who was driving his Cessna 340 in his FL240 when the left engine suddenly stalled and began to vibrate to the point that the pilot was worried he might tear off the wing.

He declared an emergency, requested a high descent, and began an emergency descent. After descending a few thousand feet, the left-hand engine begins to fail, he proceeds uphill, lands safely in his basement, and tells A&P to find out what's wrong.

The Magneto Ignition System

It didn't take the mechanics long to figure out why:

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